Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Australia is strong!

Australia has been announced to have a strong balance sheet. It also says the housing market has "positive characteristics", a statement severely lacking conviction, and talks of AUD appreciation - not sure when that happenend.

The article is actually about A$45 billion additional stimulus. In addition to that, there is to be a Ruddbank set up to fund commercial real estate too risky for the banks to lend to, which is to have A$4 billion, with Rudd being even less concerned with moral hazard than the RBA. I would think A$4 billion is too small to affect our commercial real estate market, but there you have it.

This is going on while rumours about of the US setting up a "bad bank" to take all of the worthless assets at modeled rather than market prices and then slowly cost money over years.

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